My Allergies and Eczema Triggers

Milk, Eggs, OAS to fruits (orange, strawberry, melon, kiwi, pineapple)
Penicillin, Ibuprofen
General Living
Wool, Cats, Dogs, Feathers, Dust, Pollen (grass & birch tree), Laundry Detergents, Air Fresheners, Perfume, Washing Up liquid, Soaps, Bubble baths, Lanolin, sun creams, shaving gels - there are many personal care brands that I can't touch - Fairy Washing Up Liquid, Comfort, Lenor, Johnson & Johnson, Nivea, Dove, Balsam Tissues, Radox, Simple, Imperial Leather. I have hayfever and also can't let my skin come in contact with freshly cut grass as it brings me out in hives. If I peel a vegetable without wearing rubber gloves my hands flare up with a rash and I experience this with potatoes.
Difference between Allergy & Intolerance
As far as I understand the difference is an allergy is connected to how your immune system responds to a substance where as an intolerance is to do with digestion. It is complex hence why the two are often confused. Follow this link if you would like to learn more
Handy Tips to reduce Allergens
- When dusting use a damp cloth that way dust does not fly around the room making you sneeze.
- Invest in a good vacuum cleaner there are ones with specialist filters to reduce allergens.
- If you have eczema on your body wash your hair over the bath or sink so that the shampoo does not wash over your skin. Your body wash may not cause you irritations but a shampoo/conditioner could be the cause.
- When bathing try to keep the water temperature moderate otherwise if it is too hot it does you no favours and dries out your skin.
- Always use rubber gloves or disposable gloves (latex free) when washing up or cleaning your home.
- Regularly vacuum the mattress. You can also buy special allergy covers for pillows and mattress.
- Make sure you remove mould from bathrooms or curtains or anywhere else in your home.