Animal Derived Ingredients in Natural and Organic Skincare

This article expresses MY opinions on certain ingredients, you may or may not agree with me but please respect my right to express my viewpoint. I want readers to gain an understanding of why I chose some brands over others.
Last year I wrote a post about Arbonne and Xenca which caused a mix of outrage and support but there was a part of that article that I feel is worth re-addressing. I raised the question about buying from companies which have majority "clean" products but the occasional "bad" one in the mix. I wanted to expand my viewpoint beyond the "good" and "bad" ingredients and look at animal cruelty.
My views on animal testing were formed from an early age. I was ingredient aware as a teenager. I made decisions about what I would not eat and where I bought my products. This has stood the test of time and now expands into the world of natural and organic beauty. Thankfully, there have been changes in animal testing laws but there are still loopholes. It always amazes me how carmine is an acceptable ingredient for a company which promotes itself as cruelty free.
I have been contacted by brands that use emu oil, lanolin, and carmine in some of their products and I made the decision to walk away from opportunities to review. I am not happy to promote one or two items which meet my standards but know that other products in the line contain ingredients which I believe are not cruelty free. Emu oil and Lanolin are by-products of the meat industry and as a non meat eater I feel it would be a double standard for me to support their use in skincare. I object to ingredients which are extracted or by products from the death of an animal (e.g. Silk, Shellac, Bee Venom). I am of the opinion that I would prefer to boycott by not purchasing and campaign for changes.
Parent companies divide opinions. Often a cruelty free brand may have an investor that carries out animal testing, for example L'Oreal and Unilever. I'm of the opinion that you are never going to change a company’s ingredients list if you continue to line their pockets with profits.
Parent companies divide opinions. Often a cruelty free brand may have an investor that carries out animal testing, for example L'Oreal and Unilever. I'm of the opinion that you are never going to change a company’s ingredients list if you continue to line their pockets with profits.
When it comes to skincare there are fantastic plant alternatives so why do we need to kill animals for our own vanity? I suspect when it comes to by-products of the meat industry, some will argue that at least nothing is wasted after the animal’s death. I can’t stop the world eating meat but I would like to ask people to given consideration to the manufacturing of their beauty products because I'd like to believe we are all animal lovers at heart.
Sarah x
Sarah x