Interview with The Green Woman makers of Fit Pit Deodorant
I love to support local companies and was thrilled to discover The Green Woman on Twitter. I know many of my readers are keen to discover natural deodorants (Fit Pit is Vegan & Organic) so I reached out and asked if they would like to be interviewed for my blog.
Tell us a little bit about how The Green Woman began?
Our co-founder Eve left a career in Chemistry to focus on climate change work. She stopped using mainstream cosmetic products and began making her own natural alternatives for the basics she needed.
Eve gave a selection of her products to her sister Suzanne (a Graphic Designer), who had been looking for organic alternatives since becoming a mum. She loved them so much and thought others would too, so after much discussion, a few hugs and a year of hard work The Green Woman was born!
What does The Green Woman do to limit its impact on the environment and how does the company support a more sustainable future?
Ethics are the heart of every decision we make, from our mission as a company right through to the day-to-day running of the business. Everything we do is made ‘with love and a conscience’ and is always ‘100% organic, vegan and earthkind’.
We never use plastic and our packaging is always reusable, compostable or recyclable. All our products are pure and organic so a little goes a long way, so we can use less packaging too. We use reclaimed materials wherever possible - our ‘mini’ glass jars are salvaged from a hotel and our packing boxes and materials are all reclaimed from local businesses. We also give money off for any jars returned to us in reusable condition. Change the business not the climate!
The Green Woman supports a number of ‘Green’ projects including ‘The Buzz Tour’ and ‘Reclaim Power’, and 10% of our profits will be given to projects supporting work against climate change.
Why is natural/organic skincare important to you?
Your skin in the largest organ in your body and much of what you put on it goes in. If you look at the ingredients listed on the back of mainstream cosmetic products they are usually extensive and mostly unrecognizable. We believe that you shouldn’t have to be a chemistry expert to understand what you are putting on your body and what the long term effects might be. If there is less demand for these chemicals less will make it into our environment too. We believe in reducing the chemical loading on your body by providing simple organic alternatives that really work.
What do you find most challenging when formulating products?
Finding organic suppliers for specific ingredients is often very difficult. There is currently low demand for organic ingredients in comparison to mainstream ones, so it’s not always cost effective for suppliers to offer organic. We want to help drive the demand for organic ingredients so that more suppliers will consider going organic in future and make it more accessible for other companies too.
What have been the highs and/or lows of establishing The Green Woman?
Every time we get a 5 star review it’s a big boost for us and really makes our day. It’s a fantastic feeling to know that we made someone feel that way about us.
Probably our hardest point so far was during our testing phase. All our products have to go through a strict approvals process, which is reliant on third parties. It takes a lot of waiting and buckets of patience. But it’s worth the wait!
What does the future hold for The Green Woman?
Following on from the success of Fit Pit, we are continuing our focus on basic body care needs and are now developing our next range of products. ‘Green Cream’ is a 100% organic, vegan moisturizer that will be ready in 2016.
Do you have any skincare tips to share with readers?
We would say less is definitely more when it comes to products. Trust in your skin, let it breath and if you do need to use something use it sparingly. Coconut oil is a great all rounder and has many uses. As well as a great moisturizer it makes a great makeup remover too.
The best skin regime of course is plenty of water, a good diet, fresh air and sleep!
.....end of interview....
Thanks so much to Suzanne for agreeing to take part in this feature. Check out the The Green Woman website to buy products (mini sizes are available)
Sarah x