Review Lyonsleaf Unfragranced Beauty Balm

Lyonsleaf Unfragranced Beauty Balm
(Gifted/Lyonsleaf Affiliate Link)

I introduced the green community to Lyonsleaf back in 2013 when I stumbled across their website. I believe I was the first blogger to write about them and I introduced my readership to this fantastic natural skincare brand. Over the years I've watched them grown in popularity, expanded their product range, re-branded and win multiple awards. I had to put my love of Lyonsleaf on hold due to my diagnosis of a linalool allergy but I'm pleased to say they have slowly introduced fragrance free products. I have previously reviewed Lyonsleaf Unscented Marshmallow Soften and Rejuvenate Facial Oil if it's of interest to you.

Lyonsleaf products are cruelty free and handmade in the UK. They formulate with home grown herbs harvested by workers earning a living wage. The packaging is mostly plastic free and can be recycled. Lyonsleaf are committed to an ongoing program of reducing carbon emissions, environmental impact and waste. 

Lets focus our attention to Lyonsleaf Unfragranced Beauty Balm which is the unscented version of their best selling Beauty Balm. This multi purpose skincare balm contains babassu oil, shea butter, macadamia nut, jojoba oil, sunflower oil, calendula flower extract and vitamin E. The bonus with a water free formulation is it does not require the addition of preservatives and emulsifiers. Beauty Balm is designed to protect, nourish and rebalance skin making it ideal for all but especially suitable for people prone to acne, perioral dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis. Beauty Balm is one of a handful of Lyonsleaf products which are suitable for vegans.

Lyonsleaf Unfragranced Beauty Balm is a rich and luxurious balm which suits the oil cleansing method, this is a very popular way to cleanse skin. Beauty balm feels heavy in texture but easily melts with the warmth of your skin. After massaging into your skin simply wipe away using a damp wash cloth. For an additional spa like treatment at home, try holding a warm cloth to your face for a few seconds before removing the product. Beauty Balm doesn't leave a greasy residue behind but there is a noticeable difference and your skin feels extremely hydrated. It's a sensation which you will either enjoy or dislike but if you ever cleanse and feel parched of moisture this is the cleansing balm I would recommend to you. Speaking as someone with dry skin, Beauty Balm can be applied as a rich facial or body cream so it's perfect for those biting Winter winds which often leave skin feeling parched and uncomfortable.

Lyonsleaf products are available to purchase through their website and if you'd like a 20% discount use my code SUGARPUFFISH20 at checkout.

Sarah x